Research Adventures in Japan Chapter 7: Fish and Chimps
Konichiwa and welcome to week 7! Research Update This week I started collecting data from chimpanzees with the help of Dr. Tomonaga. Chimps are our closest living relative and have been seen -- both in the wild and captivity -- with some of the most extraordinary "advanced" behaviors so I was really excited to work with them for the first time. In the wild, chimps have been seen to use sticks as termite dip-sticks, use "spears" when hunting smaller primates, and have border patrols between their and other chimp groups' territories. Additionally, not a behavior unique to chimps, but seen more in captive chimps than other primates, is feces throwing. This can be used to communicate a variety of things including social status or just trying to get some one's attention. I experienced this behavior firsthand for the first time this week and was very lucky the chimp trying to get my attention missed me! One of the chimps at JMC showing off his lettuce -- I know...